Qualification Process

This competitive $10,000 grant is available for Power Agency members in NCEMPA and NCMPA1. This grant requires no match but is only available to a member city or town once every three years.  In any calendar year that a member receives the $10,000 grant, the member community is not eligible for the $5,000 Smart Communities Grant. The member is eligible for the $5,000 Smart Communities Grant in years two and three following receipt of the Downtown Revitalization Grant.

Proceeds from the Downtown Revitalization Grant may be used for a wide range of purposes, so long as that purpose advances the downtown revitalization goals of the member community and has the approval of the city/town manager.  Some examples of grant funding priorities are listed below, however, other grant purposes will be considered at the time of grant review. The ElectriCities Economic Development team will review all grants submitted and will typically notify the member city/town regarding the status of their grant application within 6-8 weeks of submission. Grant examples:

  • Public Improvement Projects
  • Streetscape and other downtown plans
  • Building reuse studies
  • Attraction or retention programs

The grant submission cycle for Fall 2024 is open through Sept. 27. If you have any questions about the Downtown Revitalization Grant process, please email econdev@electricities.org.