The Smart Sites® program, also known as S2, was created by ElectriCities to assist member communities in preparing shovel-ready sites for economic development.

In today’s competitive environment, it’s rare for a company to locate on an undeveloped, unimproved property. The majority of new and expanding companies expect existing buildings or a prepared, shovel-ready site to shorten the amount of time needed for construction. Yet communities often struggle to garner the funds needed to develop inventory for economic development purposes.

We created the Smart Sites® program to offer more shovel-ready property for economic development growth in our member communities. The valuable due diligence included in our program assists site selectors in making informed, intelligent choices. In short, the Smart Sites® program simplifies the process for consultants and companies and minimizes risk to them.

Smart Sites® are then marketed domestically and internationally by ElectriCities at numerous tradeshows and industry events.

Because of North Carolina’s central location on the East Coast, our communities are within a one-day drive of 60% of the U.S. population.

Smart Sites®
250 Miles
500 Miles
Future Interstate 42
Future Interstate 74
Future Interstate 87

Grants and Resources for Your Projects

Customized City Projects

Smart Communities Grant

Downtown Revitalization Grant

Smart Site Certification

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