The ElectriCities Safety and Training team brings many careers’ worth of experience and expertise to help lineworkers, meter technicians, and substation technicians throughout ElectriCities member communities gain the skills and expertise needed to work safely and to advance their careers.
To give you a peek into that experience and expertise, we’re introducing you to each of our instructors.
So far, you’ve met:
- Mark Todd, Senior Safety & Training Specialist
- Craig Batchelor, ElectriCities’ Manager of Safety & Training
- Jeff Freeman, Senior Safety & Training Specialist
- Ross Whitehurst, Supervisor of Safety & Training
- Anthony Michaels, Senior Safety & Training Specialist
- Nick Whitley, Supervisor of Safety & Training
Now let’s get to know Bryan Robertson, Senior Safety & Training Specialist.
Though Bryan is the newest to the ElectriCities team, he has been a lineworker for 20 years. He began his career in 2004 with the Town of Tarboro, working through the ranks up to Crew Leader. In January 2023, he became an instructor for Nash Community College’s lineworker program before joining ElectriCities in March 2024. Bryan is a lifelong resident of Tarboro. He and his wife, Emily, have two daughters, ages 7 and 10.
How did you get into linework?

My grandpa retired from linework after 30 years, and he has always had a huge impact on my life. After being around linework for most of my childhood, I knew I wanted to follow in his footsteps. So, once I graduated high school, I was able to get on with the Town of Tarboro.
What do you like best about teaching?
Interacting with the students and seeing them learn something new.
Do you have a favorite moment from class?
Watching the students from different areas collaborate and work as a team to get the assigned tasks accomplished.
What’s the most important thing you want students to take away from class?
No matter how long you have been doing linework, there is always something to learn. And always remember that safety is the No. 1 goal.
Bryan also tells students to call him if they have questions—even if that’s after they’ve completed training. “They can reach out to me anytime,” he said. “I’m just a phone call away.”
Bryan will be teaching Basic Underground School (ELT 211), Oct. 7-11 and Oct. 28-Nov. 1. Both classes are at Nash Community College in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.
View the full training schedule here. If you have questions about classes or registration, contact Susanne Taylor, Member Training and Engagement Specialist at ElectriCities.