6 Ways to Save Money on Electricity this Winter


Don’t let your winter electricity bills give you chills. Warm up to these easy, money-saving tips!  

68 is the magic number. Set your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower when heating your home. Every degree above 68 can increase your bill by 3% to 5%! 

Schedule your savings. Take advantage of programmable thermostats. Set your thermostat to turn the heat down automatically at night and when you’re away.  

Use central heating—not a space heater. If you have central heating in your home, use that. Space heaters use a lot of energy and significantly increase your monthly bill.  

Don’t let the warm air out or the cold air in! Use caulk and weatherstripping to seal air leaks around doors and windows. If you have a traditional fireplace, be sure to close the damper when there’s no fire. 

Remember your maintenance. Check air filters once a month and replace them as needed. Regularly clean air registers, air return vents, baseboard heaters, and radiators. Be sure they aren’t blocked by furniture, rugs, or drapes. 

Say, “Hello, sunshine!” Besides providing Vitamin D, sunlight helps heat your home for free, especially through windows with direct sunlight. Open the drapes and let the sun stream in!  

For more tips and resources to help you save money on electricity, visit: www.energy.gov/energysaver/energy-saver 

And for tips tailored to your home, contact your local utility about conducting an energy audit. Invite an energy auditor to your home for personalized tips and tricks to save energy—and money.