More Than 20 ElectriCities Members Receive Mutual Aid Commendations

In the wake of hurricanes Helene and Milton back in fall 2024, public power lineworkers from across the ElectriCities membership jumped into action to help restore power in the communities affected.

The American Public Power Association has recognized those efforts by issuing Mutual Aid Commendations to the responding utilities.

These members received commendations for their help restoring power after Hurricane Helene:

  • Albemarle
  • Apex
  • Clayton
  • Concord
  • Fayetteville PWC
  • Gastonia
  • Greenville Utilities Commission
  • High Point
  • Kinston
  • Lexington
  • Lumberton
  • Monroe
  • New Bern
  • Newton
  • Rocky Mount
  • Statesville
  • Tarboro
  • Wake Forest
  • Washington
  • Wilson

These members received commendations for their help restoring power after Hurricane Milton:

  • Clayton
  • Edenton
  • Fayetteville PWC
  • High Point
  • Rocky Mount
  • Smithfield
  • Wake Forest
  • Washington
  • Windsor

In APPA’s article about the mutual aid response after the two storms, Tom Kent, President and CEO of Nebraska Public Power District and a public power representative on the Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council, said, “With Hurricanes Helene and Milton, public power responded, and they responded quickly. Once again, they came from far and wide, and they made it happen. I can’t overstate how impressive it is to see the mutual aid system in action.”

We agree. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who makes it all happen.

The Power of Accurate Customer Contact Information

Member Success Story: Town of Clayton

The Background

Public power utilities play a vital role in ensuring reliable, affordable electricity for local communities. Unlike investor-owned models, municipal utilities operate in the public interest, reinvesting any surplus revenue back into the community rather than distributing profits to shareholders. This community-focused approach emphasizes reliability, customer satisfaction, and responsive communication. In an era where digital communication is central to nearly every aspect of daily life, having accurate customer contact information on file, including email addresses, is crucial. This case study explores why collecting and maintaining updated customer contact information is essential for public power municipal utilities. It provides a real-world example from the Town of Clayton, whose public power utility department recently launched a new Outage Management System (OMS). The Town of Clayton Utility Department is a member of ElectriCities, a Public Power Joint Action Agency based in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The Challenge

Through surveys, emails to City Council members, social media channels, and face-to-face communications, the Town of Clayton’s customers let the utility know that they wanted a better and faster way to learn about outages and other emergency situations—the type of communication an OMS can provide. However, to successfully launch and maximize the value of an OMS, utilities must have accurate customer contact information.

For many public power utilities, including the Town of Clayton, customer communication has traditionally been conducted via postal mail, phone, or in-person interactions. However, with the increased use of digital platforms, utilities have started to rely more on email and text messaging for critical communications. Without up-to-date email addresses or cell phone numbers on file, public power utilities face several significant challenges:

Customer Frustration: When customers feel they aren’t informed in a timely manner, they can become dissatisfied, undermining the community trust on which municipal utilities thrive.

Delayed Communication: Without updated contact information, notifications and outreach about important events, such as power outages, scheduled maintenance, and road closures, may not reach every customer.

Missed Opportunities for Engagement: Outdated contact information prevents utilities from gathering valuable customer feedback through surveys, questionnaires, or engagement campaigns.

The Solution

In preparation for the launch of the new OMS, the Town of Clayton embarked on a campaign to update its customer contact information. According to Ann Game, the Town of Clayton’s Revenue and Customer Service Director, customer feedback played a significant role in the decision to implement the new OMS. The Town of Clayton utility department quickly identified the need and benefits to the community, and in cooperation with the City Council, identified an OMS software partner and began collecting updated customer contact information.

While the operational implementation of the OMS was underway, the utility customer service team implemented an integrated strategy to collect updated customer contact information while ensuring customers that providing their information would help them get emergency updates from the utility department quickly.

The strategy included:

Incentivized Data Collection: The Town of Clayton organized a drawing, offering the chance to win a high-value prize in exchange for a customer supplying updated contact information. This created an immediate incentive for customers to provide accurate and current information, which was in turn used to update their contact information on file.

User-Friendly Online Form: A simplified online form, accessed via QR code, was developed to make it easy for customers to update their information in a matter of minutes. The form remains active on the Town of Clayton’s website to continue collecting updated customer contact information.

Proactive Communication via Multiple Channels: The utility reached out to customers through bill inserts, through social media campaigns, on its website, and through in-person events to encourage email address and cell phone number updates. This multichannel approach helped them reach different customer demographics.

Customer Service Interactions: The Town of Clayton receives around 2,000 calls per month, which provides the opportunity to verify a caller’s contact information on every call and explain how the customer will benefit from the new OMS.

The Results

The Town of Clayton is pleased with the outcome of the initiative. Over 1,200 customers supplied updated contact information within the first six weeks of the campaign, and the utility successfully launched its new OMS system in April 2024. The OMS system automatically notifies customers of outages and allows customers to report outages, and the utility can provide real-time updates and information to customers.

“Before we implemented the OMS, we had to wait for the phone to ring to find out a customer had an outage,” Game explains. “We used door hangers to notify customers of planned outages. With the new OMS, as soon as an outage is reported by the system, crews can immediately begin investigating while we notify customers by text message and email.”

Feedback has been extremely positive. Customers appreciate being able to use the OMS to text the utility department when there’s an outage in their area, which greatly reduces call center backlog. From the utility’s perspective, a customer service representative (CSR) can ensure an outage is on the map instantly, and information is seamlessly shared between the utility department and the CSR team, leading to faster restoration and higher customer satisfaction.

An unexpected benefit of the new OMS is being able to use it for Interactive Voice Response messaging. The Town of Clayton uses the system to notify customers of late bills, street closures, and other emergency situations, which reduces workload for CSRs and allows them to focus their time on customer needs. From the Joint Action Agency perspective, each member utility’s OMS can be fully integrated into the ElectriCities Outage Map, which provides outage visibility for the State of N.C. Emergency Response team, and the American Public Power Association’s eReliability Tracker, which feeds national and state benchmark reports. Accurate reliability metrics enable system improvement strategies while ensuring comprehensive coverage and response during outages.

Maintaining updated customer contact information has several notable benefits:

Improved Communication: The utility can notify customers about outages quickly, resulting in fewer complaints and higher customer satisfaction. For planned maintenance outages, communication is timely and efficient.

Faster Emergency Response: During a major storm event, the utility can send real-time updates about power restoration efforts, greatly reducing call center volume and enabling field crews to focus on restoring power.

Enhanced Customer Engagement: The utility can conduct customer surveys and polls using email, receiving a higher response rate than traditional methods. This feedback provides actionable insights for improving services. Customers are also able to indicate how they want to receive information, and the utility can send texts, emails, or a combination of both based on customer preference.

Building for the Future: Accurate contact information enables the utility to effectively engage and educate customers about new programs, services, and more.

In Conclusion

Having up-to-date customer information on file is essential for public power municipal utilities to communicate effectively with their customers and can increase success in new program adoption and system updates. Paired with strong systems and processes, it enhances responsiveness, improves customer satisfaction, and helps utilities operate more efficiently. The proactive steps the Town of Clayton took to update its email and phone records resulted in tangible benefits for both the utility and its customers. As the digital age continues to transform customer expectations, maintaining accurate contact information will be a key component of any successful utility management strategy.

Municipal utilities with accurate customer information not only streamline their operations, but also strengthen their relationship with the communities they serve, reinforcing their mission to deliver reliable, affordable, and responsive services to their customers.

Download a PDF of this article.


6 Ways to Save Money on Electricity this Winter

Don’t let your winter electricity bills give you chills. Warm up to these easy, money-saving tips!  

68 is the magic number. Set your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower when heating your home. Every degree above 68 can increase your bill by 3% to 5%! 

Schedule your savings. Take advantage of programmable thermostats. Set your thermostat to turn the heat down automatically at night and when you’re away.  

Use central heating—not a space heater. If you have central heating in your home, use that. Space heaters use a lot of energy and significantly increase your monthly bill.  

Don’t let the warm air out or the cold air in! Use caulk and weatherstripping to seal air leaks around doors and windows. If you have a traditional fireplace, be sure to close the damper when there’s no fire. 

Remember your maintenance. Check air filters once a month and replace them as needed. Regularly clean air registers, air return vents, baseboard heaters, and radiators. Be sure they aren’t blocked by furniture, rugs, or drapes. 

Say, “Hello, sunshine!” Besides providing Vitamin D, sunlight helps heat your home for free, especially through windows with direct sunlight. Open the drapes and let the sun stream in!  

For more tips and resources to help you save money on electricity, visit: 

And for tips tailored to your home, contact your local utility about conducting an energy audit. Invite an energy auditor to your home for personalized tips and tricks to save energy—and money.  

ElectriCities Helps Power Inclusion and Connection with Grants for Downtown Development

Residents in the North Carolina towns of Pineville and Hobgood will soon have more opportunities for community and connection in their downtowns.

Pineville and Hobgood have both received a remarkable infusion of $10,000 each from ElectriCities’ Downtown Revitalization Grant program.

This initiative is designed to assist North Carolina public power communities in revitalizing their downtowns and fostering economic growth, highlighting the untapped potential of these vibrant areas.

“The Downtown Revitalization Grant empowers public power municipalities to beautify and enhance their downtowns, making them more appealing for business investment and stimulating visitor spending,” said Carl Rees, Economic and Community Development Manager at ElectriCities.

In the Town of Pineville, the grant will fund an exciting community mural project that promises to invigorate the downtown area.

This endeavor aims to draw more visitors to local businesses while strengthening community ties, fostering inclusivity among residents.

With a population of about 10,000, Pineville is eager to unite long-time locals and newcomers through this collaborative effort.

Local muralist Russ Petty, known for his extensive work in schools and various locations in Charlotte, will lead the artistic design. The mural will prominently display the phrase “Welcome to Pineville,” with each letter creatively filled with hand-painted historical artifacts, images, and contributions from residents. This reflects the community’s active participation and pride in the project. The town will have three days where community members will be invited to sign up and participate in painting the wall alongside the muralist.

Meanwhile, in Hobgood, a multi-county charter school serves students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The community is eager for spaces that offer snacks, coffee, and more.

The Town of Hobgood plans to leverage the grant to establish an entrepreneurial incubator in its downtown by repairing vital infrastructure for three commercial buildings.

This initiative will create a welcoming environment for community gatherings and attract new businesses, propelling the town’s economic growth forward.

3 ElectriCities Members Designated 2024 Smart Energy Providers

Congratulations to the City of New Bern, Greenville Utilities Commission, and New River Light and Power for earning the Smart Energy Provider (SEP) designation for 2024 from the American Public Power Association!

The SEP designation lasts three years and recognizes public power providers for demonstrating leading practices in four key disciplines:

  • Smart energy information.
  • Energy efficiency and distributed energy resources programs.
  • Environmental and sustainability programs and initiatives.
  • Communication, education, and customer experience.

Achieving SEP designation doesn’t come easy—only about 110 utilities have it. This is the first SEP designation for the City of New Bern, the second for New River Light and Power, and the third for Greenville Utilities Commission.

“While the Smart Energy Provider designation is relatively new, we have long known that our member communities are leaders in how they engage with their customers,” said Dale Odom, Manager of Retail Energy Services at ElectriCities. “These latest SEP designations confirm that, recognizing these communities’ exceptional efforts in customer service, communication, and providing sustainable energy for the future. Well deserved!”

Erin Miller, Vice President of Programs and Sustainability at American Municipal Power, Inc., and Chair of the SEP Review Panel, presented the designations on Oct. 28 in Louisville, Kentucky, during APPA’s annual Customer Connections Conference.

“SEP-designated utilities have demonstrated their leadership in smart energy programs and services,” Erin said. “This designation celebrates utilities that are committed to serving their customers while taking the extra step to plan for the future. Communities served by utilities that have earned the SEP designation should be proud of their utility’s accomplishments.”

We certainly are. Way to go, everyone!

Visit APPA’s website for a full list of SEP-designated utilities, including Fayetteville PWC and Wilson Energy, both designated in 2023.

ElectriCities Members Show the Strength of Mutual Aid

No doubt, mutual aid is a major strength of public power.

We’ve seen it up close as crews across the ElectriCities membership have worked together over the past few weeks to restore power after Hurricane Helene’s devastation. And we’re seeing it as crews head further south to help with restoration and recovery from Hurricane Milton.

“We’re in the midst of wrapping up one and heading into another,” said Craig Batchelor, Manager of Safety & Training at ElectriCities.

But whatever the storm, public power providers in our region show up big time.

At the peak of outages from Helene, about 48,000 public power customers in North Carolina were without electricity. After five days, crews had reduced that number to about 10,600. Six days later, major restoration efforts in our North Carolina member communities were complete.

That’s thanks to huge efforts from people across our membership who worked together—those who requested help on behalf of their customers and those who provided help by sending crews, equipment, and materials.

A heartfelt thank you to:

Communities that Provided Mutual Aid





Fayetteville PWC


Greenville Utilities Commission

High Point





New Bern


Rocky Mount



Wake Forest


Wilson Energy


Communities that Received Mutual Aid

Abbeville, S.C.



Easley, S.C.

Forest City

Greenwood, S.C.

Kings Mountain

Laurens, S.C.


New River Light & Power (Boone)

Newberry, S.C.

Prosperity, S.C.


Crews from the City of Albemarle help restore power after Hurricane Helene.
Crews from Wilson Energy help restore power after Hurricane Helene.
Crews from Greenville Utilities Commission help restore power after Hurricane Helene.











As you might imagine, working through disasters like this takes an all-hands-on-deck effort by ElectriCities’ Safety & Training team as well.

Nick Whitley, Mutual Aid Coordinator and Supervisor of Safety & Training at ElectriCities, said as some of their team members accompanied members to provide support and safety oversight, others stepped in to ensure scheduled lineworker training classes could continue.

“Just like any good line crew, we work together to do what needs to be done to support our community,” he said.

We can’t thank everyone enough for coming together to show the strength of public power in action. From the lineworkers, customer service representatives, and other utility staff, to first responders and neighbors near and far, thank you for your hard work and dedication to keeping the lights on.

Spotlight on ElectriCities Safety Instructor Bryan Robertson

The ElectriCities Safety and Training team brings many careers’ worth of experience and expertise to help lineworkers, meter technicians, and substation technicians throughout ElectriCities member communities gain the skills and expertise needed to work safely and to advance their careers.

To give you a peek into that experience and expertise, we’re introducing you to each of our instructors.

So far, you’ve met:

Now let’s get to know Bryan Robertson, Senior Safety & Training Specialist.

Though Bryan is the newest to the ElectriCities team, he has been a lineworker for 20 years. He began his career in 2004 with the Town of Tarboro, working through the ranks up to Crew Leader. In January 2023, he became an instructor for Nash Community College’s lineworker program before joining ElectriCities in March 2024. Bryan is a lifelong resident of Tarboro. He and his wife, Emily, have two daughters, ages 7 and 10.

How did you get into linework?

Bryan Robertson, Senior Safety & Training Specialist

My grandpa retired from linework after 30 years, and he has always had a huge impact on my life. After being around linework for most of my childhood, I knew I wanted to follow in his footsteps. So, once I graduated high school, I was able to get on with the Town of Tarboro.

What do you like best about teaching?

Interacting with the students and seeing them learn something new.

Do you have a favorite moment from class?

Watching the students from different areas collaborate and work as a team to get the assigned tasks accomplished.

What’s the most important thing you want students to take away from class?

No matter how long you have been doing linework, there is always something to learn. And always remember that safety is the No. 1 goal.

Bryan also tells students to call him if they have questions—even if that’s after they’ve completed training. “They can reach out to me anytime,” he said. “I’m just a phone call away.”

Bryan will be teaching Basic Underground School (ELT 211), Oct. 7-11 and Oct. 28-Nov. 1. Both classes are at Nash Community College in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

View the full training schedule here. If you have questions about classes or registration, contact Susanne Taylor, Member Training and Engagement Specialist at ElectriCities.

Mariana Greene Named the 2024 Public Power Rising Star

Each year at the ElectriCities Annual Conference, we recognize individuals for their outstanding contributions to public power.

At the 2024 conference:

  • Linda Story from Granite Falls received the Lifetime Achievement Award.
  • Jackie Rushing from Concord received the Distinguished Service Award.
  • Mariana Greene from New River Light and Power received the Rising Star Award.

Let’s meet the 2024 Public Power Rising Star Award recipient, Mariana Greene.

The Rising Star Award recognizes up-and-coming leaders who have less than 10 years of experience and who, in that relatively short time, have made significant and sustained contributions to the electric utility industry and to public power.

That perfectly describes Mariana.

2024 Public Power Rising Star Award recipient Mariana Greene with Matt Makdad, General Manager of New River Light & Power

As the Public Communication Specialist for New River Light and Power, Mariana shines. She is committed to NRLP’s mission of educating and engaging customers while providing safe and reliable energy. That shows through her passion for empowering communities through effective outreach and strategic advocacy.

Since joining NRLP in October 2022, Mariana has excelled in managing communications, especially during the 2023 North Carolina Utilities Commission rate case, where she played a crucial role in addressing issues and ensuring positive media coverage.

Mariana spearheaded the creation of NRLP’s 2024-2028 strategic plan, which was crucial for the utility’s applications for APPA’s Smart Energy Provider designation and ElectriCities’ Public Power Awards of Excellence.

As NRLP’s “one-stop shop” for all communications, Mariana handles everything from marketing campaigns to fostering key stakeholder relationships. She’s a graduate of the Boone Chamber of Commerce’s Watauga Leadership Development program, and she’s active on ElectriCities’ Communications Committee, providing valuable experience and insight to the benefit of fellow member communities.

Mariana doesn’t only shine at work. She’s an Army spouse with thousands of hours of volunteer service to Army and civilian organizations. She’s involved with the App State community as a member of the Military Affairs Committee and Staff Senate, and she volunteers with the ROTC program.

Mariana, congratulations on being this year’s Public Power Rising Star.

Concord’s Jackie Rushing Receives Public Power Distinguished Service Award

Each year at the ElectriCities Annual Conference, we recognize individuals for their outstanding contributions to public power.

At the 2024 conference:

  • Linda Story from Granite Falls received the Lifetime Achievement Award.
  • Jackie Rushing from Concord received the Distinguished Service Award.
  • Mariana Greene from New River Light and Power received the Rising Star Award.

Let’s meet the 2024 Public Power Distinguished Service Award recipient, Jackie Rushing.

The Distinguished Service Award recognizes leaders with 10 or more years of experience who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and dedication to public power, brought their organization to a new level of excellence, led by example, and inspired their employees and staff to improve processes, services, and operations.

That describes Jackie Rushing perfectly.

There’s a saying that if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Jackie loves linework and serving his community. In fact, he loves doing both of those things so much, he’s been doing them for more than 43 years.

2024 Public Power Distinguished Service Award recipient Jackie Rushing with fellow City of Concord staff (left to right): Lloyd Payne (City Manager), Andrea Cline (Deputy Electric Systems Director), and Alex Burris (Electric Systems Director)

In 1981, Jackie began working on Concord Light and Water’s tree crew. Soon after, he joined the overhead lineman division of what would become the City of Concord’s Electric Systems Department. He served as a lineworker for 28 years before moving into management in 2009.

For Jackie, the life of a lineworker is more than a career, it’s a calling. Working the lines, training the next generation, and making things better for the community—that’s Jackie’s passion.

He’s quick to respond to calls for help. During local outages and storm responses, he’s a leader in the control room, triaging outages, assigning crews, and planning restorations. His top priority is the well-being of his team and making sure they return home safely. And his generosity and expertise extend beyond Concord. He has traveled to at least 15 communities across multiple states to help restore power after major weather events.

Having spent most of his career in the field and knowing first-hand the dangers of linework, Jackie has made it his mission to educate and train the next generation. He has served on the North Carolina Association of Municipal Electric Systems (NCAMES) Safety & Training Committee for over 16 years and has been a board member for the past four. That has enabled him to help write the safety standards that lineworkers across the state use every day.

Through his work with NCAMES, Jackie led efforts to create the first rodeo team in Concord, seeing the rodeo as an opportunity to motivate and inspire lineworkers to keep improving their skills and to better understand safety practices.

Jackie completed ElectriCities’ lineworker career development program, and he has taught ElectriCities Climbing Schools. He encourages coworkers to pursue opportunities to advance their knowledge and skills.

Jackie knows that to continue delivering exceptional service and reliability to the community, we must continue to embrace new technologies. He’s an advocate for adopting robust electronic communications, mapping, monitoring, and metering systems. He knows it’s essential for lineworkers to be equipped with the tools necessary to meet the demands of an ever-evolving industry.

Believing that public power truly is community driven, when Jackie’s not at work, he looks for more ways to give back. He has organized softball tournaments to raise money for coworkers with ALS, and he assists with various fundraisers, including the annual Fallen Linemen Foundation fundraiser.

Presenting the award at the Annual Conference, Troy Lewis, Chairman of ElectriCities’ Board of Directors, said, “Jackie Rushing is an exemplary leader who inspires excellence, dedication, and teamwork in all that he does—truly deserving of this year’s Public Power Distinguished Service Award.”

Congratulations, Jackie.

Granite Falls’ Linda Story Awarded for a Lifetime of Outstanding Service

Each year at the ElectriCities Annual Conference, we recognize individuals for their outstanding contributions to public power.

At the 2024 conference:

  • Linda Story from Granite Falls received the Lifetime Achievement Award.
  • Jackie Rushing from Concord received the Distinguished Service Award.
  • Mariana Greene from New River Light and Power received the Rising Star Award.

Let’s meet the 2024 Public Power Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, Linda Story.

First, a bit about the award. The Public Power Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes sustained long-term outstanding leadership, public power service, innovation, and creativity.

Enter Linda Story.

ElectriCities CEO Roy Jones and Linda Story celebrate her Public Power Lifetime Achievement Award

When we talk about someone being a go-getter, that can sometimes be a little negative—maybe bringing up stories of them throwing elbows and knocking people out of the way. But not Linda Story.

She’s the best kind of go-getter: Someone who does the work with a fierce compassion and respect for others that matches her unstoppable drive.

Randy McCaslin, who’s a long-time High Point city leader and who served as chairman of ElectriCities’ board last year, met Linda when he was an undergrad at Appalachian State.

As part of a class project, he got to visit Granite Falls. Linda was the town clerk there at the time, handling everything, Randy said.

Even during that brief visit as a college kid, Randy could see that Linda was exceptional. As she became interim town manager of Granite Falls in 1981 and then town manager in 1982, and Randy went into local government in nearby Hickory, his first impression of her never changed.

Randy isn’t alone in seeing Linda’s excellence.

Everybody we found—town employees, council members, former and current Granite Falls mayors and managers, the ElectriCities board—raves when Linda Story’s name comes up.

They talk about her having star quality and being a steady force.

They talk about her being firm and sticking to her guns, while also being friendly and professional.

They say she’s always worked well with employees of all types and with people of all types.

There’s no pretense with Linda. What you see is what you get. And it turns out, you get a lot.

Linda was one of the first female town managers in the state.

Current mayor of Granite Falls, Dr. Caryl Burns, grew through the ranks along with Linda. Like others, Mayor Burns saw that spark in Linda early on, saying she did her work with absolute excellence.

Mayor Burns said Linda was persistent and would hold her ground while keeping a smile on her face, no matter who she was talking to. She was patient beyond belief and cool as a cucumber.

She tenaciously pursued and secured grants to ensure the town could continue providing the best services to its citizens.

Barry Hayes worked with Linda during his 14 years on the town council and 24 years as mayor. He said Linda didn’t whitewash anything. If the council voted to raise rates, she would explain why to citizens in a way that everyone could understand.

In a small town that provides all the services Granite Falls does, there’s a lot to manage, and Linda did it tremendously. Along with being a good manager herself, she hired well—a trait that’s especially valuable in a public power community.

Small towns are full of small-town business owners and people who have been here all their lives. As Barry said, if you get on their bad side, your time as a town leader will be limited. But in all his years on council and as mayor, he never heard a business owner have anything but positive experiences to share about Linda.

As Mayor Burns said, “When you see someone who is super great at what they’re doing, you watch them because you learn from them.”

We’re sure there have been plenty of people watching and learning from the way Linda Story has supported and continues to support her community and public power.

Congratulations, Linda. You are truly an inspiration and an incredible role model for all of us. Thank you for your years of dedicated service.