ElectriCities Corporate Logo and Standards

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DescriptionElectriCities Brand Standards
File Formats IncludedPDF
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DescriptionElectriCities Logo (For Print)
File Formats IncludedJPG (300dpi)
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DescriptionElectriCities Logo (For Web)
File Formats IncludedJPG (72dpi)
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DescriptionElectriCities Logo (For Digital)
File Formats IncludedEPS (Vector)
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ElectriCities Brand Standards and Trademark Information

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: ElectriCities is a not-for-profit membership organization of municipally owned electric utilities that are spread across North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. We advocate for public power communities at the state and federal levels, and provide a number of administrative, technical, legal, and legislative services to support our members.

LOGO and TRADEMARK USE: Use of the ElectriCities logo or any logo or trademark belonging to ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc. (the “Organization”) including without limitation all content, text, images, software, media and other materials on this Website are proprietary to the Organization, protected under trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property laws, and may not be reproduced, transmitted, displayed, published or distributed without the express prior written consent of the Organization. The Mark shall not be depicted in any manner or in any materials that would tend to denigrate, disparage, tarnish, present in a false light, or otherwise reflect negatively on the Mark, the Organization, or any of the Organization’s members, products, or services.

ELECTRICITIES CORPORATE LOGO USE: Always surround the logo with a clear area of at least twice the height of the ElectriCities diamond. Use the four-color or white logos whenever possible. Use the all black logo only when the four-color or white-on-black versions aren’t an option. Do not invert or change the colors of the diamonds and do not use white and red diamonds on ANY version of the logo. Do not change the color of the logo, rearrange the elements, add text to the logo, add clip art to the logo, and do not rotate, skew or distort the logo. Always ensure all text including the tagline, is legible at 100% viewing size.

ELECTRICITIES TRADEMARKS: A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design that distinguishes the source of products or services used by ElectriCities of North Carolina. When using the marks shown below in publications that will be distributed in the United States, include the appropriate ™, ℠, or ® symbol on first use. The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of ElectriCities’ trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.

ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc. The energy behind public power is a registered trademark of ElectriCities of North Carolina Inc., Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

TempTracker 365 is a registered trademark of ElectriCities of North Carolina Inc., Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Smart Sites (also referred to as SmartSites or S2) is a registered trademark of ElectriCities of North Carolina Inc., Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

“A Focus on People, Not Profit” is a registered trademark of ElectriCities of North Carolina Inc., Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

SUSTAINABLE PRINTING: Whenever possible, ElectriCities uses printers or printing processes that utilize non-toxic (or soy, when offset) inks on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, that is processed chlorine-free.

This list was updated November 12, 2020.

If you have any questions regarding trademarks or logo usage, please contact the Corporate Communications team.