From an unassuming church basement in downtown Raleigh, The Shepherd’s Table serves up some serious food to those in need. Recently, employees from ElectriCities spent two different workdays supporting the soup kitchen by helping prep food, serve meals, and clean. “The Shepherd’s Table is really beneficial to the community, and our volunteer time was valuable because of that,” says PJ Rehm, Inclusion & Diversity Committee member and ElectriCities Manager of Technology and Renewable Programs. “A lot of times, the folks who eat there are getting their only meal of the day.”
ElectriCities staff reported for duty bright and early to prepare the warm meals to be served. As we dished out food and mopped up afterwards, all involved made time for both fun and listening. There were a few silly faces made while washing dishes — and more than a few lessons learned from The Shepherd’s Table’s guests receiving meals. “Volunteers learned a lot about the diverse residents of the community,” Rehm says. Along the way, we learned about each other, too. “We all have different backgrounds that we might not talk about when out on the job.”
While COVID-19 has impacted local service opportunities in the near future, we look forward to getting creative with continually giving back as a staff.